Time: May 28, 2009 from 8:30pm to 10pm
Location: From the comfort of your home
Website or Map: http://www.divinediamondsmini…
Event Type: teleseminar
Organized By: Lougenia J. Rucker
Latest Activity: Sep 3, 2009
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Who can find a virtuous woman? She is more precious than rubies." Proverbs 31:10
The word "virtuous" is a hebrew word ( chayil ) which means strong or worthy.
One of the greatest books of the bible ~ Proverbs ~ is known as the book of wisdom, and many of the proverbs were written by the King Solomon the wisest man to ever live. The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about women, and when you read the 31st chapter you begin to read about a purpose-driven woman know as the "Virtuous Woman" with many oustanding abilities and virtures including character, integrity, good reputation, trustworthy, faithful, kindness, great compassion, loyalty, confidence, honesty, inner strength & beauty, wisdomt, dilligence, homemaker, many skills and dignity just to mention a few.
So! How do we brilliant, intelligent divine 21st Century women face the modern times of personal, financial, professional, local and global challenges, battles and issues, and yet still rise everyday to take care and love ourselves, families and God; while we still seek to balance the checkbook, demanding bosses and clients, growing businesses, school, after-school activites, comittments, appointments and other modern day "to do" activities?
This insightful and inspirational Teleseminar will offer pearls of wisdom, provide profitable solutions and life transforming truths that will equip and empower you with natural remedies and spiritual insights to encourage, exhort and edify you to shine brilliantly as a rare and valuable ruby gemstone which is often used to described a Virtuous Women.
This heart-to-heart, 1.5 hour Teleseminar, is for real women seeking real power for everyday vibrant living as we share and discuss how to live as successful and yet balanced, peaceful, loving and wise women.
Just as "rubies" are rare gems, so are we rare beautiful gems of great value empowered by God to live and excell as a virtuous women.
What an honor!
Join me Thursday, May 28, at 8:30pmEST - 10:00pmEST for this empowering discussion. If you have any Virtuous Women questions in advance, then please feel free to send questions to:
Thank you,
Lougenia J. Rucker
Divine Diamonds Ministries
Register today: $12.00
Click on the link below
Bonus Gift ~ Complimentary Virtuous Woman Affirmation for every participant
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