The Prayer Chain Of Faith

Alander Dyson
  • Male
  • Lakeland, FL
  • United States
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My name is Min. Alander Lee Dyson, I am save, satified, and filled with the Holy Ghost and that with FIRE!!!!. Have no other mind but to please the Lord. Prayer is what got me to this point in my life. I am sure that if help you pray then prayer will help you reach your Destiny in the Lord. Prayer is to help you convosate with the Lord to make your request known unto him. But when you attach a Praise to your prayer request then the Lord Moves faster on your behalf. I beleive that what ever you ask God for and mean it from your heart and do right by the Lord then all the things that you nneed form him then it will come to pass.
Share your Greatest need or desire.
To be more like my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To be more open to the needs of others. To stay in the will of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Share a testimony of prayer.
The doctors told my father that he had cancer and the only way to git rid of the cancer is to do surgery and my father said ok. but when they went in it was more cancer that they saw the first time. Now my Prayer was that during the surgery Lord you tell the doctor what and how to do what they do. And that you do the proper work and healing that need to take place. And my pastor Apostle M. A. Goins and co-pastor Evang. Belinda Goins encouraged me to give God praise. We were in our Pentecostal Experience which is 50 days of serice at our church. Every night I prayed for my father and attached a praised to that prayer request, my father had surgery on the 2nd of march and on the 15th of March my father was at home. Now remind you he had the toprigh upper jaw bone and half of the roof of his mout taken out and rebuildt all in 14 hours of surgery at the age of 64. and he wasand still healing fast. The doctors are still talking about him healing as fast as he has. but my response is IT IS THE LORDS DOING!!!! The Lord answered my prayer. THE LORD IS STILL ANSwERING PRAYER. JUST GIVE HIM A CALL AND WAIT ON HIS ANSWER.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
REACH THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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At 7:16pm on August 3, 2012, Pastor Andre'a Griggs said…

God Bless you Minister and thank you for that awesome testimony!!!!


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