Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
I am an artistic woman, about 59, who loves nature, flora and fauna, and has always felt driven to protect it. Brought up with organized religion in my life, I found my own way, and developed a very deep and personal communication through prayer and observation. I am a trained writer, though became interested in restoring homes that were depressed, and turned that into a livlihood. It was my greatest pleasure to make a tired old house, into something of charm and or beauty, that others loved. I have a passion for animals, and have spent much time and effort in helping many horses, dogs and cats.
My mother taught me how to rescue wild birds as well, and even some insects have been saved by me. All Gods creatures, and all special.
Share your Greatest need or desire.
I and my husband and father, have been fighting the banks for 4 years now. I have spent money trying to get the proper help. We paid for our home, and my fathers home, but though they called us and wrote us to acknowledge this, they then said they didn't know what we were talking about, and would not even speak to their own customer service dept to get the
comformation of payment! My father is 96, and has been hospitalized for a cracked back, ribs, and he just had pneumonia. But he is fine now, we got him through all of that.
I prayed he would see a better time, a happy time, in his last years. He did and gave so much to others when he was able, I so want him to see life be happy again. We are using a generator for power, fireplace for heat, and fighting the banks with the bit of money we get. We also have some animals that are dependant upon us, and not easy to find homes for. So our greatest need is a bit of financial relieve. My greatest desire is simple peace. Life is very challenging for us all. My husband is a fine and brilliant scientist. After studying what you hope to do, it is possible that withing the protection of your group, he could bring forward some new energy technology, that would free the world from dirty energy dependancy. He is
quite gifted.
Share a testimony of prayer.
My dear father after his bath some months ago, just faded away. My husband shouted for me, I ran, and I prayed with all my heart. He was limp. Suddenly, he stirred, opened his eyes, was briefly confused, but back. My medically trained husband, said he did pass. But, he was returned to us. That is part prayer, and part sheer love I believe.
I also (this is less important, but miraculous nonetheless) rescued a small gosher from a pond. He was shaky, and weak, so I placed him in a case with food and leave. Not known to me, the cage was in the spray of a sprinker wrongly adjusted, and the small creature was sprayed in the morning, and it was a cold one. I found him stiff, and cold, and dead.
Horrified at what I had accidently subjected this small gently creature to, I held him to me, prayed, and wept. When my tears inadvertanly fell on his head, his whiskers quivered, and then, as he warmed, a little leg twitched. He did come fully back, and I was exonerated. God answered that prayer for me, more than the tiny gopher, I am sure.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
I will attend all that I can. I will certainly spread the word! I can very comfortably commit to a specific prayer time for 15 minutes, due to caring for my father, I may not always have those hours available to be on the calls.
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
I would like to see hearts opened in people from all nations and backgrounds. To see them work to a common goal in love.
I would hope to have a hand in projects that help people, be realized,
and participated in, for the good of all, to bring people together.
I am a good writer, I would like to publish and put forward stories that open the heart, that others may be transformed by
reading, and vicariously living the loving experience.
I could go on and on. I think transformative miracles can be
make manifest through the Prayer Chain. That is exciting.
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