Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
Prophetic-Evangelist Elizabeth Anderson, is the Grandaughter of the late Pastor Dora Margaret Mitchell and Daughter of the late Assistant Pastor Mary Glaspie. Ms. Anderson received her Gifts and Calling in the year of 1982, when the voice of God spoke to her a Rhema word, exhorting her to feed his lambs and feed his sheep. She is a visionary and God deals with her in prophetic visions, in which she hopes to draw and publish, telling the story of what’s about to come and revealing to others what’s real in the realm of the Spirit. In the year of 1998, God revealed to her, the finger of God pointing at the State of North Carolina, high winds with rising waters hitting the lands of North Carolina. On September 15, 1999, Hurricane Floyd called, one of Carolina’s worst and deadliest storms hit. Damms burst and rivers rose, destroying the entire town of Princeville and other surrounding cities. God further revealed to her yet another vision in the year of 1998 of airplanes hitting two tall buildings, explosions, fire and smoke were observed with people running frantically through the streets. She drew what she saw and wrote about it in her Prophetic Visions Book. In the year of 2001, September 11,…. the catastrophic event 9/11 occurred. Tterrorists brought down the New York’s World Trade Center (The Twin Towers) and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. using airplanes ad thousands of people died. This confirmed that God reveals to her major Catastrophic events. She has seen a woman, who will become impregnated with the Antichrist Child, who will be born. She functions in the realm of the spirit according to I Corinthians 12: 1-15, excising in all nine gifts. Her fiery tests and her greatest trials, has conditioned her to walk in the Spirit, and not obey the works of the flesh. Her greatest pain became her ministry. She is an intercessor, a prayer warrior, a confidont, a mother, a nurse, a wife, and an artist. She has received a Spiritual Warfare Annointing by the Holy Spirit to conduct Spiritual Warfare, fighting against demons and principalities, according to Ephesians 6:10-20 and Luke 10: 17-20. She lives by the scriptures that declares-“He teacheth my hands, to war,(Psalms 18:34).God gave a her Mime Ministry, that is also prophetic in nature, to convey life changing messages. The mine ministry consists of her and her children.
Ms. Anderson resides in the State of Maryland and works as a Nurse Investigator/Consultant for the Department on Disabilities Services in Washington, D.C . She is a 1996, Nursing Graduate from East Carolina University School of Nursing, in Greenville, N.C., where she obtained her Bachelors of Nursing. She also attended East Carolina Brody School of Medicine, where she obtained a Certificate for completing a Summer Program for Future Doctors. She received her certification to practice Legal Nurse Consulting in the year of 2001 from the Medical Legal Institute in State of Texas. She is the devoted and loving wife of Mr. George Anderson, who supports her in ministry and work in love’ Sheis a devoted and loving mother of seven (7) children: Tito, Chiquitha, Tomeka, Jamaica, Cleo’ta, Tychicus and Tirah. She has three (4) grandchildren; Tiwanisha, Montez. Mia, Micah
Flame M
Share your Greatest need or desire.
Out MInistry is young. Called Flame Ministry. We are not yet registered as a 501 c (3). God gave me a vision while at my government job. I now know my place in the Kingdom of God and what I am chosen and called to complete. I am called to fight and deliver people from Demons (Demon Fighter). I had to fast and pray a lot, Priestess, Prophet, Evangelist. Our Prayer Line is on Saturdays at the hour of 3:00pm. The #3 is a significant number. My Greatest need is financial freedom. We all need currency to fulfill obligations set forth in this earth realm
My strongest desire isTo witness the power of Satan completely subdude under the power GOD. To expose and destroy the works of Satan with Stragetic Warfare.
Share a testimony of prayer.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
Miracles Unleashed
Remember in the Book of Acts. Prayer was made from the Church without ceasing. Paul and Silas was in jail and, something powerful happen for the Gaurds to witness, the jail shook and Pauls chains fell off. Prison doors swung wide open. Need I say more..............................powerful
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