The Prayer Chain Of Faith

Glenn A. Broom
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One of the most valuable attributes I developed from being an entrepreneur is critical thinking. Critical thinking to me is not wasting time or energy on the things you can’t do at a particular point in time or out of your control, but to concentrate on the things you can do or you can control. Often I thought to myself, okay I don’t have the money to do this or do that, so what can I do? I learned the best time to plan is when you don’t have any money. A business plan is truly your business roadmap and all the financing in the world is useless, if you don’t have a plan for what to do with it.

My name is Glenn A. Broom and I bring over 30 years of business experience in various industries. Most recently, five years in real estate planning and development, five years in community development & outreach, eight years as a consultant in business planning & development, five years in the pharmaceutical area, five years in the area of information technology and ten-plus years of entrepreneurial experience. In addition, I was raised in an entrepreneurial environment where I worked in my family bar/restaurant business as a teenager.

My preparation and approach to projects, grant opportunities and applications is to; verify, define and detail the problem or opportunity to be addressed, select a fundable project that can be supported in view of the local need, develop ideas for the proposal, identify a funding resource and lastly, organize and write the plan/proposal.
Share your Greatest need or desire.
I believe that we all have a role, a purpose, and when you understand what that is, you produce. I didn’t have money, fancy cars or a PhD degree, I had the power of God that garnered me respect, I had faith that earned me trust, I was blessed with wisdom to be able to teach and I had the love of Jesus that gave me strength, as well as, God’s Grace that kept my family sheltered, clothed and fed. I’m a witness, with having God in your life, a way will be made out of no way and the impossible is possible. Furthermore, it teaches to never judge anyone because “you know not what path they have traveled and you know not what path they are going”.

Thank God for blessing me with an innate ability for process, an understanding of how the numbers work in regards to the process and the ability to translate this information to paper. I think the measure of a successful plan is the result, has the goal been achieved.

Job teaches that once you start working on a God’s plan, the enemy gets busy and starts working on you. Nevertheless, my praises lifted in testimony that I will shout from the mountaintops that the devil is a liar, Jesus loves me and God continues to be good all the time!!!
Share a testimony of prayer.
As I pray my day operates in divine harmony in according to God’s will, “this is the day that the Lord has made and the Lord has been so good to us, we should be glad about it,” Rejoice!!!

GOD, my knees are bending in supplication, my hands are lifting in expectation, my voice praising in adoration and my legs are moving in execution, I pray that you bless the undertaking that has been bestowed upon us. I have come to realize and believe that we are in spiritual warfare and were given instructions in prophecy, to pursue, overtake and conquer. As I hum a couple of powerful tunes, I understand that "this battle is not ours, it's the Lord's and "we never would have made it, without you."

Lord, I know you are not done with us yet and through this journey you have empowered us to become ministers of our experiences and as we share our testimony and spread the word, I ask that you continue to lead us down the path of righteousness and humility. I realize now that sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. For we know and understand that we are truly blessed and highly favored and for that we give you all the praise and glory.

God, you continue to be good all the time and I want to thank you for the life-changing blessings that have been delivered. I also want to thank you for the (angels) support of family and friends. God, allow me to be a beacon and if I can empower somebody as I pass along, if I can cheer somebody with a word or song, if I can show somebody he or she is travelling wrong, then my living shall not be in vain. In Jesus name I pray,!!!!
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
I plan on attending the calls and I will spread the word.
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
The power of prayer and more understanding of purpose and sense of being..

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