Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
See attached bio for more information. My website information:
Share your Greatest need or desire.
Being faithful to God and service in spite of current fiscal hardship that is affecting the Spiritual health and welfare of my home.
Share a testimony of prayer.
My Father and my God, thanks for another day you allowed me to experience the sunrise. Forgive my shortcomings and continue to guide my steps as I lean on you for strength. I can do nothing without your strength. Again, bless me this day through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
I will begin by calling in or listening on line in order to become familiar with the Prayer Chain. I plan to become more involved later.
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
As I become familiar with "The Prayer Chain of Faith," I will give reflections regarding things that can help with improving the existing service.
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