The Prayer Chain Of Faith

Marsha A. Dixon
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  • Pastor Bruno Fala Mungoma

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Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
My name is Marsha A. Dixon and my Non-Profit Corporation is Adroit Community Empowerment Authority, Inc. The had Lord set, communicated and established His purpose in my life, heart and spirit in 1999. It was in 1998 that I started attending school. In 2007 incorporated my non-profit and completed my CPM or Non-Profit Management Certification in 2011.
During this period, God continued to remind of me His purpose for my life as I continued this struggle to complete school with support or funding. He said, "Build it and they will come." And, to clearly understand, God directed me to Ephesians 6: 10-21, particularly, "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." With that said, God revealed all of the conspiracies and schemes that being executed to adversely exploit, manipulate and disadvantage the elderly, land poor, deprived, disadvantaged and distressed, especially domiciled communities that are be observed by and targeted by the rich.
He also empowered me with tools, information and evidence to empower me with the to teach or communicate how these schemes are being carried out towards his people. I felt like Moses and sometimes I would get anxiety but God consistently and persistencely to me told me that I'm was not ready yet. In other words, needed to get prepared for the opportunity to help save them and I need this armor to protect me and I witnessed God filling in the gaps with people or circumstances. Since 1999, I have attended school and special training to become a social, community manager, non-profit manager, professional project and program manager, organizational behaviorial developer, juris-consultant (learned in the law), faith-based grant writer, and certified public manager so that I can incubate, train, coach, develop and educate social entreprenaurs. My skills include:
strategic planning; business planning and development, training and advisory business ethics and responsibility, association management, organizational program or project developer, executive onboarding or coaching, talent management, human capital managem, tort law, corporate law, social and community management, economic strategist, community catalyst, organizational change management, skill and career assessments, board development, event planning and execution, community planning, non-profit and faith-based funding, faith-based program development, financial management, fundraising, budgeting, legal ethics and responsibility, grant-writing, classes and workshops, business law research, Strategic contingency strategist, statutory consulting and advisor, civil advisory, juris-consulting, talent scouting, property and housing manager, quality and safety management, professional publications, business start-up training for private or public organizations or businesses, incorporation services, etc. I have also written several proposals to help our communities, neighbors, potential business owners, talented pools, learning organizations and others especially non-profit organization have a need to understand corporate laws, systems and other factors that affect the discouraged and defeated populations. In other words, I became a knowledge worker to help people help themselves or to help them build strong foundations or remove the socio-economic the chains systematically or strategicall placed around them. My mission, goals and objectives are available to my ambassador, if requested.
Share your Greatest need or desire.
My greatest desire is to clear my debt and open community empowered incubations centers, responsibility centers, learning and literacy labs and historical and culture art centers within the confines of our deprived communities so I can share the knowledge, skills and abilities
God gave me. This includes teaching, training and partnering with other non-profits, project leaders and project mangers how to be accountable, responsible and authoriative in these efforts to execute God's will in purpose for the disadvantaged and handicapped. I have already be contacted regarding approximately 30 AFC project leaders in need of these services in Oklahoma City, Texas, Arkansas, California and
Arkansas but I am currently operating as a home-based business due to a lack of funding opportunities. I am limited in my ability to acquire administrative tools and resources to collectively provide appropriate publications, supplies and other needed documents to my training reciepients in need of faith-based board development training, businessx plans, marketing plans, feasibility or SWOT studies, executive director training, etc. It is my desire to help launch my own projects while provided ethics and organinzational or business training to other project leaders to effectively execute their own proposed and approved projects. I will need 50,000,00 or less to purchase two incubation and training centers, execute 25 proposed 25 projects, hire and training 3000---8,000 to 10,000 including AFC projects already identified and l need to establish an office in the HUB and Empowerment zones to sustain funding and jobs for the people living or located with these socio-economically deprived zones. This is urgent because there are schemes to stop development in these areas. This includes municipalities who have embraced the rich and want to take over disadvantaged areas while depriving them of funds to save their comummunities and homes. These are the schemes God spoke of in Ephesians. This is my God given loose the chains as we speak fearlessly in Christ inspite of them. I know this is the purpose he has for me and God can use us. God also showed me what He can n any circumstances. He also led me to AFC to secure these finances and to execute the vision he put upon me to do His will. This is also my pray that God will change my circumstances so I can do his will right from where I am, knowing God' eternal purpose is for us to help others through difficult times. I am in difficult times but I trust that you will hear my cry for funding.
Share a testimony of prayer.
God has impregnanted with visions, knowledge, skills and a divine purposes. My testimony is that EVERYTHING that has happened or has been put before me in this journey was seen as a vision before it happened. Not only did God lead me to the right people to execute his plan for my life and others, but He lead me to YOU and those you have already embraced! He lead me to one of your ambassadors in unlikely circumstances. My testimony is that this is answer to my prayers. God has always worked to assure that we, an oppressed people, remained undiscouraged and undefeated until our time as come to pass. He had made sure that I am armored an prepared for his devine challenges, which requires strength and determination to remove the chains from our people and educating them as they seek God's will for their lives. I just pray that I don't have to struggle to buy ink and paper as I have in the past and I will finally give birth to the mission God has put on me.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
Yes. I will call and listen online and I will spread the word, as they have provided it to me!
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
I have written several proposals and projects to help our deprived, undiscovered and disadvantaged social entreprenauers, potential business owners, communities, youth, elderly and young adults. God has prepared me with the knowledge, skills and abilities but I have no money or funding. I have use my own money to support other programs, including AFCC's 35 project leaders, but I need budgeted funding to execute training centers, classes, consulting and other services, tools and resources to them. I would also like to become an official ambassador for Christ in a way that I am fully accessible to others. GChr

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At 12:05pm on April 2, 2013, Shirley E. said…

Hi Marsha Dixon,

I am in need of pray for my great nephew who was born December 31, 2012 at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, Maryland.  He was transferred to Children Hospital, and John Hopkins Hospital. The doctors have declared that nothing else can be done for him medically.  They have diagnosed that he will live anywhere from six to twelve months due to his condition.  All we have is God to call on.  We are calling for prayer, all churches and Pastors in the world to pray for him, his mother, his father and his family for the next thirty days. Shirley E., Washington, DC

At 4:30am on June 21, 2012, Pastor Bruno Fala Mungoma said…

Thank you servant of God for the friendship and sorry for delaying to respond

At 9:28pm on March 28, 2012, Pastor Melvin White said…

Hello Marsha A. Dixon, tthis is Pastor White for thee prayer chain of faith. I would love to

talk to you here is my phone number please calll. 260-249-2104


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