Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
Prayer that availeth much, my thing is Men and Women always should pray and not faint , Well prayer is one of my very strong callings because if i didin`t pray and others didn`t pray i wouldn`t be here 2day,I`m a prayer warrior, Mary Florney,, 10030 SW 224th St, Apt103, Miami , FL 33190,, Email Phone,, 786--226--7683,, My Inviter Pastor, Darryl Joyner Phone,, 863--859--1803
Share your Greatest need or desire.
Families connected back together, Marriages restored, Mens,Womens,Boys,Girls repent and give there heart and lifes to the almighty God.
Share a testimony of prayer.
The doctors gave me up many times, but God said no not yet i have work for her to do, in and out but Thanks be to God I`m still here but by the grace of God.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
By all means and every means i `m glad to be apart of this Prayer Chain Of Faith and will bring others.
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
I would love to see the lost and the unsaved reached at any cost,, That`s what this Prayer team is all about,
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