Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
I am first of all a Believer in Jesus Christ and His Lordship over my life and over All w/His Father and H.S.
A wife to one husband, mother to 5 daughters. Love my work as unto the Lord. My home is where He speaks to me throughout my day. I know that Intercessory Prayer is needed and God has graced me to like to pray and intercede for His Will and Kingdom to be set up here on Earth and done. I love to give as I have been given unto, like to cook and serve. We have now been married 30 years. 3 of our daughters walk w/God strong. Two are struggling a little but coming closer all the time.
Share your Greatest need or desire.
Greatest need and desire is to see God's Love be exemplified in my life that through me God would allow others to see Himself that they would know Him. As Love conquers a multitude of sin so Love draws all men unto Himself. Also, that our 5 daughters would come to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ in their lives and know the intentional purpose He created the for to serving Him and knowing His Love for the to the fullest.
Share a testimony of prayer.
Our move to NC from Mi in 1992. While riding in our big van w/our 5 daughters getting errands done, 3 times in one week, I had emotionally and visually been collecting boxes to pack up and move. At that 3rd time this happened, I said to the Lord, why am I thinking these thoughts? If I am walking in discontentment some how then God please show me. (we were actually making plans to make the attic of our old home a 3rd floor as was running out of living space w/having 4 daughters already) Going on, I said, yet, Lord because of the way this has come to me (out of the blue all 3 times) then, if this is you trying to tell me something that you want in our life, then I ask that you tell David (my husband) and put it on his heart because I don't want to influence him. Two days later, he comes in the back door as usual but leaves his coat on, sets his lunch box down and says: Nancy, I've been thinking about moving. I said, is that right? He said, yeh, I don't really know why but I was just thinking about it. I asked him, why would he ever think such a thing since he had a small elec bus going well and looking to do garage and attic for more space, and where would he want to move to..he said, well, I thought about that and all I could think of was that you like North Carolina. (Before I had even met my husband I had visited NC by request to poss do missionary nursing w/the mountain people in Balsom Grove (at that time) area. Anyhow, I fell in love w/NC and asked the Lord that if I ever marry, could we live here. It was approx. 8-10 years and 5 daughters after that prayer that God brought us here. We have now been married 30 years. 3 of our daughters walk w/God strong. Two are struggling a little but coming closer all the time. I have so many God-stories!!!!! Every time I get started telling them it is hard to stop but I will stop. Thank you for allowing me to share this Testimony to His Love and Greatness in my life.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
yes, I plan to attend the calls Thursdays and Fridays 7pm
yes, I will be happy to spread the word about the prayer calls.
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
Sharing of moves of God in each of the territories God has placed us in to pray for. Any of us close in proximity when God would allow, that we could even meet to meet a sister to sister or a brother to brother to encourage one another in prayer for strength as well in the prayer chain on the scrip that when two or more get together, there I am in the midst of you. Bonding in friendship even at short or so distance in the body of Believers.
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