Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
I am an ordained minister at By Faith and Prayer Ministries. Mother of 6 beautiful children 5 boys 1 girl. Wife to one amazing man of God and a self employeed Daycare provider.
Share your Greatest need or desire.
My greatest desire right now is to have my business dream be realized and accomplished which will create over 100 jobs in my community. To have enough quiet time in my day to complete my book. My greatest need right now is wisdom to seek out the things that will help me fufill my personal and ministerial goals.
Share a testimony of prayer.
A few years ago I charged our church members to write down something they wanted God to do for them and we didnt look at the request but simply prayed over the envelopes weekly and a year later looking at our current situations God had given us exactly what we had written. This was long after we had stopped praying for the envelopes! I was so specific in my prayer that I recieved my van in the color and everything! My brother and sister moved in a townhouse as I had asked for them and I know there is nothing to hard for God!
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
Yes! The prayers of the rightous avail much! I will spread the good news for all my days!
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
That more people exercise the faith. Believing ! And asking God for what they want believing and getting prepared to recieve what He has for His people. That we in unity bring a spirit of praise and thanksgiving in this dying world.
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God is so good in spite of all that may be going on. I know where my help comes from. The world has nothing on the awesome things God has in store for me so VICTORY is mine!
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God is so good in spite of all that may be going on. I know where my help comes from. The world has nothing on the awesome things God has in store for me so VICTORY is mine!
God You are so good. In spite of all the craziness going on in this world I know You are in control. To God be the Glory!