Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
I'm a single parent of 8 children and I have been on my own for some time now and it's really hard for me sometimes I'm not able to pay all my bills or provide the things that my children want or need and I feel that me being their mother I should be able to provide the things they want and need at times they say money is not the answer well at times I feel it is cause you have to have money for everything and I hope this really helps me out......Thank you !
Share your Greatest need or desire.
Is for me and my family to be closer to the lord and for the lord to keep me and my family covered in his blood and watch over us and for a financial blessing and for my kids to get jobs and be independent and do well in school.
Share a testimony of prayer.
I'd just like to thank the lord for being here and pray that i get through all hard times and pray for healing and aching in my body
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
Yes I plan on attending the calls and I will spread the word
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
A miracle break through
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