The Prayer Chain Of Faith

Prophet Marlon Wortham
  • Male
  • Houston, Texas
  • United States
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Prophet Marlon Wortham's Page

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Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
Marlon Wortham: I was born in 1957, I was born at 7am morning, and I weight was 7 lbs and 7 ounces. ( 7 is God’s # of completeness). Just a little over 32 years ago, (1st 7 days of June) a good friend of mine, Melvin Darks, took me to Port Author, Texas to see an old Prophet friend of his. I was 20 years young at that time. I had never met a Prophet before at any time in my life ever. The church I was in at that time did not believe in the Holy Ghost movement and there was no evidence with the Gifts of the Spirit in this Baptist Church at this time in 1977. I drove Mr. Darks 90 miles from Houston on a Sunday to meet this man of God in person for myself. We were seated in a small Baptist Church office for only 30 minutes when Rev. Ciecil McKinsey offered to Pray for every one in the small 12-seated room. Melvin was the first to get hands laid on. I said that sounded like a normal prayer, but then I was the next in line. Then something strange happened to me when he touched my head and started to pray for me. I felt a warming tingle of a sensation going down my head, spine to my libido. Then he begin to speak to me with some excitement in his voice and said, “Hum Brother, Your called to the ministry and your going to be a Prophet, like Moses and I see some money here, a huge sum of money not just for you but this money God says is for my people (Spirit Filled only) everywhere.”

Call me for health and wealth info or how to increase your vehicles mileage 30-300%. Motor oils that last 25-50,000 miles on 1 oil change and is leak proof and will let you drive 300 miles dry w/o burning up your gears immediately after punctureing your oil pans assidently!

Contact Info : Phone # 1-281-235-4868

Email :
Share your Greatest need or desire.
Help Pastor’s worldwide with all the finances they need to receive enough $$ to perform trade platform ($3-10 Million each) to win souls , to provide education for the coming Anti-christ and learn to grow enough food in the coming years for when the Mark of the beast system comes ,when the church members won’t be able to buy or sell but instead grow their food ( Hydroponics )
Share a testimony of prayer.
I’ve been lie on, cheated, talked about and mistreated.
A Prophet is without honor in his own house and even in his own Church.
My God cannot lie. If you obey you can stay, if you fast you will last, and if you don’t sin you will make it in(Heaven) the kingdom of God. Is even at the door.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
Satan’s drug arena and all evil worldwide to be torn down!
When Zion travails , men and women will be born into the Kingdom of God!

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At 7:46pm on July 26, 2014, Michael J. Tozzi said…

Dr. Hendo Henderson was kidnaped three days ago by the US Federal Government for doing God's Work.

I Pray for Dr. Hendo Henderson to be free from bondage under the US Federal Government and safe passage home to continue his mission for God.

From Brother Michael

At 12:31pm on April 1, 2013, Shirley E. said…

Good afternoon Prophet Wortham,

I need pray for my great nephew, the doctors say that there is no cure and his life expectancy is 6 months to a year.  He is currently three months old.  He has zellweger syndrome.  The family need your healing prays.  We are believing right now that he is healed.  God Bless, Shirley E, Washington, D.C.

At 7:52am on May 28, 2012, Andrea. M. Dorsey said…

Wow ! What a powerful word in your Bio!

At 7:51am on March 10, 2012, A.IMMANUEL BENJAMINE said…
At 9:34pm on February 01, 2011, DR Pastor Geraldine Raynor gave Prophet Marlon Wortham a gift
At 10:18pm on January 31, 2011, Elder/Prophet Will D. Smith said…

Dear Prophet Wortham:

My name is Prophet/Elder Will D. Smith.  I live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  I'm a 44 year old man of God who has been preaching/teaching/prophesying/singing God's word for 20 plus years of my life.  The Lord has put a word in my mouth for the saints and the ones who would like to be saved of all ages.  I was ordained an Elder in the Church Of God In Christ in October, 2007 under Bishop Malcolm W. Coby, Prelate.  God has dropped in my spirit to travel and preach the Gospel throughout the United States and around the world.  The one major attack that the enemy has brought against me for the majority of the 44 years I've been living on the earth has been in the area of not having enough money to do what I have been assigned to do in the Kingdom. 

I understand that you have funds in the millions and above available for ministers like myself to help in our going forth in the ministry.  If my understanding is right, I want to request for $50,000,000.00 in order to go forth in the ministry and help others who are struggling to do the same, in Jesus' mighty name.

My phone # is: 405-623-1467.  I live in a room in a warehouse on the south side of OKC.  I've already left you a voice message and now I'm writing on your wall.  It would be a blessing to hear from you and have you to consider the releasing of the funds that I've requested to fulfill the ministry mandate on my life.

Thank you and God bless.

Nothin' But Love---Prophet/Elder Will D. Smith

At 11:05am on December 27, 2010, Betsy A Wood said…

Dear Prophet Worthem:  This is Betsy Wood.  I am one of your members and am agreeing with you with your above testimony.  I know that the anti-christ is just waiting to lurk his head but...but...GOD  is on the throne!!! Praise HIM!!!  And because of HIM I am not afraid.  I will be calling you again soon.

Thank you for your God filled ministries...

Love ya


At 3:17pm on December 16, 2010, Dr Geraldine G Raynor gave Prophet Marlon Wortham a gift
At 5:05pm on August 25, 2009, Chris M Tatevosian said…
Hello Prophet Marlon,

Please join Pastor Melvin White and Author Chris Tatevosian this Thursday August 27 at 7 PM Eastern on
"The Prayer Chain of Faith Show."

We will be discussing my book Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me. Hear Chris explain how his chronic illness has become a blessing for both himself and those in similar situations.

Chris' memoir was written to help those, their family and friends better deal with the stresses put on one's relationships as a result of life being interrupted by chronic illness or disability. Hear Chris' testimony, how he overcame and lives a more abundant life today.

To listen visit:
To speak with the author:
call in number 724-444-7444 ID #36213 press 1 #

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