The Prayer Chain Of Faith

Bettie Gavins
  • Female
  • Gulfport, MS
  • United States
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Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
Bettie Gavins was born to the union of Willard and Bernice Lee, and grew up in a small town call Brooklyn, Mississippi, where she attended elementary school until the age of eight. Her family moved to the Gulf Coast when she was eleven years of age and she has been a resident of the Gulf coast since that time. After high school she moved to Chicago and work for several years before going to college to pursue her dream.
Bettie attended Coahoma Junior College in 1972. After her first year of college she attended William Carey College in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and New Orleans, Louisiana for nurse internship. Due to unforeseen circumstances, she left college and work for several years and return to the University of Southern Mississippi, where she obtained a BS degree in Science and Nursing in 1979. Life seem grand, because Bettie had finally accomplished her lifelong dream of becoming a nurse, but there was health issues lingering in the background that was about to shatter her dream.
When Bettie was in the 10th grade, she woke up one morning with severe knee pain. There was no answer for the problem after all tests was done. The problem cleared up on its own but returns while she was living in Chicago. Doctors did not seem to know what was causing the problem. Again the issue resolved itself only to return at the age of nineteen. Doctors came up with a diagnosis and put her on a medication that would later prove to be detrimental to her health.
By the time Bettie had completed her college education, doctors noticed severe bone deterioration. Too try and head off the devastation, Bettie was placed on other medications that were equally destructive. No other outlet for the pain, she underwent surgeries to try and gain some control over the matter but it was too late. The medicine had caused severe damage to all of her joints and bones. However, Bettie continues to work as a nurse for over eight years before she had to retire and leave nursing.
Bettie realized that God was the only answer for her situation, because all doctors had given her up and said “if God don’t intervene you are gone.” Being a determined individual Bettie made up in her mind that she was not going to give in or give up without a fight. She went before God and cried for mercy, he saved her and delivered her out of all her distresses. She continues to have surgeries but life was on the up and up. She studied the word of God and gain much knowledge and insight in the word. The Holy Spirit began to minister to her and tell her what to do to regain her health. In obedience she did exactly what the spirit said and began a life of ministry teaching and preparing the people to walk by faith. Through her ordeals her faith waxes strong until she was able to walk out and speak boldly the word of God. Although Bettie’s hands are crippled, she continues to type, write, and use her hands to help the elderly and those who do not understand how to care for their health.
After being saved and delivered in 1989, Bettie begins to teach the word of God with power and authority. Many souls came to Christ and she walked the streets in the projects of Gulfport, Mississippi and asks parents for their little children so that she could teach them and bring them up in the admonition of the Lord. The Lord granted her request and she taught, cloth, and fed hundreds of young people in the community as well as the elderly. She also taught Sunday School and the Gulf Coast City Wide Mission
In obedience to the Holy Spirit urging, Bettie studied herbs, because she knew that pharmaceutical medicine did not really work with the body to bring it back into balance. After studying herbs what she believed was true. Herbs works with the body to bring it back to a balance where total healing can occur. When the body becomes deficient in minerals or over intoxicated with chemicals, sludge, and etc disease occur. However, the body is created to heal itself. Society does not know the truth and are being taken advantage of on every side. Bettie’s mission is to educate and teach that people will be able to make inform decisions about their health.
Bettie’s mission and ministry are to go into all the nations as a servant of the most High God and compel men, women, boys, and girls to come to Christ with the good news of Jesus Christ. Too teach and motivate families and individuals to become informed of the health crisis in the nations and to embrace a life style change that will help them to live a long healthy, prospers, and fulfilled life.
Share your Greatest need or desire.
My greatest desire is to see people live a long healthy and fulfilled life, free of disease and pain.
Share a testimony of prayer.
I am a living witness that prayer changes things. When praying the word of God with faith and believing that God hears and answers prayer, it is yours. Pray the word with faith and believe that you have already received no matter what it look like, feel like, or act like. Just believe that your requested has been heard and answered. Walk in faith.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
Yes, when I am available, and I will continue to spread the word about the prayer call and encourage others to attend and get involved.
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
A unity in prayer that rises to the throne of heaven and delete all of Satan missions in the life of God's people.

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At 1:46pm on April 2, 2013, Shirley E. said…

i will keep you updated on his progress! God is good!


At 1:45pm on April 2, 2013, Shirley E. said…

Thank you so much Ms. Gavins for your prayers!  May God continue to add a blessing to your life & family.  Shirley

At 10:12pm on April 1, 2013, Shirley E. said…

Hi Bettie,

I need pray for my great nephew, the doctors say that there is no cure and his life expectancy is 6 months to a year.  He is currently three months old.  He has zellweger syndrome.  The family needs your healing prayers.  We believe right now that he is healed.  God Bless, Shirley E., Washington, D.C.


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