Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
I am a spirit filled, blood bought child of the King. Married, grandmother of seven and mother of three. My mother lives with us. Writer, Director, Teacher, Elder, Minister of Song and Performing Arts. By trade I am a certified financial planner, marketing and internet sales.
Share your Greatest need or desire.
My "greatest desire" would be to have the kind of funds to support the many visions for GREAT MINISTRIES and family needs. No debts, but to pay for a home, transportation, children to have a home and education. I would like to write and produce plays which enlighten mankind of the Gift of God and the promises He has for those who love Him. There is a water filtration system that I would like to open a business here in Texas to promote clean water out of thin air and provide water for nations who do not have the privilege or accessibility to "clean water!" Indigent nations like Haiti and Africa, where water is so needed for life.
Share a testimony of prayer.
My daughter was in an automobile accident earlier this year and the Father healed her within the same hour of the accident.
She was headed to work early in the morning in the rain. There was a utility truck which ran a red light and my daughter's vehicle was smashed and lodged underneath the truck. As the emergency assistance, ambulance, police, etc. arrived on the scene and to understand the "miracle of God" which occurred you need only witness the remains of the vehicle she was pinned in. They removed her from the vehicle rushed her to the nearest emergency room in the area. I received a call from the hospital, and informed of the above information. They had taken scans of her brain and upper body. They said they were about to "life flight" her to severe trauma center downtown Houston, because they were not equipped or skilled to handle trauma of this magnitude. They stated that she had a brain bleed and fractured shoulder. The hospital they were taking her to was located about a little less than two hours away from where I live. So, my first inclination was to contact my fellow prayer warriors and request conservation of her life and skilled attendants for her especially upon arrival to the hospital. My family was in a panic, but the Spirit of God gave me an unusual calmness in all this. I know when the saints of God get to praying there is "nothing too great to believe God for!" Her sister was crying and wanting me to rush! I said to her very softly, please just pray for your sister and trust God! We are not giving any room for the enemy or our flesh to get us to the point that we are no good anything or anybody. It was at this point that I saw a vision of a scared little mouse scurry away! And that is how I viewed the evil one and his devices to cause fear and confusion during times such as this! I prepared myself, our family loaded up in the van, took our time to get to Houston. There were almost (3) three near incidents that could have been accidents, "if" we were rushing, because there are masses of traffic on the freeway headed there. People were rushing, and driving reckless, but with patience we arrived safely. Upon arrival, after they located my daughter, I was allowed to go into the emergency area to see her doctor, who had a somewhat startled look on his face when we met. He had her views in his hand and his words were these. " I don't quite understand what I have witnessed. I have two other of my colleagues who have also examined these views. We are of the opinion, that despite what we all have examined, we have these views which show "the bleed" suffered from the trauma, but somehow, miraculously these new views show no bleeding and no fractures. We are puzzled by this and would like to study her further and we are admitting her into the institute to study her case further. She had a concussion and was unconscious upon impact, she was examined and life flighted to a specialty trauma hospital for assistance, upon arrival and examination, there was no bleeding on the film. They did another set of views the following day and waiting to see if any dangerous swelling would occur, nothing was there! The Father healed her and she had to be released the following afternoon! All praises to God, our Father, Jehovah Rapha, Healer, Deliverer, Soon Coming King! Alpha, Omega, Lord of Everything! I give Him Praise, all Praise. He alone is Worthy.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
Yes and absolutely i am spreading the word now, tonight.
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
I would like to see an ever increasing number of the called of God to come together, united and pulling down strongholds of the evil one and the enemies of God. I would like to see tremendous growth, because "shouldn't everybody know?"
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I need pray for my great nephew, the doctors say that there is no cure and his life expectancy is 6 months to a year. He is currently three months old with his parents in Bowie, MD. He has zellweger syndrome. Also pray for my cousin who just had an heart attack on Monday, April 1, 2013, she is in the hospital in MS. The families need your healing prays. We believe right now that he/she is both healed. God Bless, Shirley E., Wash., D.C.
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Hi sister Orr,
I need pray for my great nephew, the doctors say that there is no cure and his life expectancy is 6 months to a year. He is currently three months old with his parents in Bowie, MD. He has zellweger syndrome. Also pray for my cousin who just had an heart attack on Monday, April 1, 2013, she is in the hospital in MS. The families need your healing prays. We believe right now that he/she is both healed. God Bless, Shirley E., Wash., D.C.