The Prayer Chain Of Faith

Chris M Tatevosian
  • Male
  • Holliston, MA
  • United States

Chris M Tatevosian's Friends

  • Allen Schrieber
  • belovedshoshanna
  • Apostle Caroll
  • Kenneth R. Jenkins
  • Debra D. Savage
  • Dr. Angela DiMartino
  • Linda K. Brown
  • Lougenia J. Rucker
  • ELEVATION Coach Pastor Rhonda
  • Jessica G. White
  • Pastor Melvin White

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Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
My name is Chris and I have had MS for 29 years, diagnosed as a freshman in college in 1980. Man I am getting old. No, I am old, lol. It is my desire to help others whose lives have been interrupted by chronic illness or disability to navigate through the difficult times and avoid the pitfalls that may destroy one's marriage, family unit even relationships with friends. I would like to offer my support, experience and services. Perhaps, individuals struggling with relationship or family issues even depression, worriy and anxiety as a result of the changes and struggles we confront daily when life is interrupted by chronic illness or disability.

The following article appeared in the summer 2008 issue of MSFocus Magazine
The Gang’s All Here
By Chris Tatevosian

My marriage of ten years began dissolving when the “Monster” invited his friends to live in my house. If you have MS, I’m sure you’ve met the gang. There was the kingpin, Stress, his best friend Anger and his twin, Misdirected. Of course, Feelings of Worthlessness was there and his brother Feelings of Inadequacy who brought his best friend Low Self-esteem and his sidekick Depression, who hung out with everybody’s buddies, Worry and Anxiety. As usual, Communication was a no show, but sure enough his sister Miss-communication popped in and overstayed her welcome. They never left, but my wife did.

Sounds like the cast of a real nightmare. At that point of my life it literally was a real nightmare, and I couldn’t see myself ever waking up. MS can become a real nightmare destroying relationships between spouses, family members even friends. I wrote the book “Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me,“ a self-help memoir, my real life story of marriage interrupted by multiple sclerosis. It could have been any chronic illness or disability and it could have been anyone’s relationship. Still, this book is intended to help others going through a similar situation deal with the stress and hardship put on one’s relationship as a result of life being interrupted by chronic illness or disability.

If you’d like to learn more about the dissolving of my first marriage and strengthen your own, please visit my web site . My story is not always pretty, but it’s real . I have written this book, Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me to help others in similar situations avoid making the same relationship destroying mistakes that I did. You’re not alone, and there is hope when facing and dealing with the stress put on a relationship as a result of life being interrupted by chronic illness or disability. Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me by author and multiple sclerosis sufferer Chris Tatevosian.
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I should’ve known something was up when my then wife and I went days without any real communication. I guess I did know. Call it being a dumb guy, but I was expecting a literal warning, an out right ultimatum. Something like, “Chris you need to change or Chris, you/we need counseling or I won’t stay in this marriage. Eventually the combination of this physically debilitating disease and my quick to anger poor me attitude was more than enough to make the difficult decision for my wife to leave come to fruition. This interruption to our once loving relationship had become too much for my wife to bear. Remember, it wasn’t just my then wife watching her partner struggling with his physical losses. No, it was also, and in my case likely more so my unintended compassionless and bitterly radical emotional changes and instability that had become unbearable. Unintended or not my unacceptable behavior and complete personality change combined with my overwhelming stress, misdirected anger, feelings of worthlessness, feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, worry, miscommunication and depression, the “whole gang,“ just became too much to bear. I lost sight of what was important in life, that's why I wrote my book dealing with all the emotional turmoil that is thrown into a relationship that is interrupted by chronic illness.

My greatest desire is to help others in similar situations deal more positively with the stress put on one's relationships as a result of life being interrupted by chronic illness or disability.

If by literally making my life an open book just one relationship or marriage is saved or benefited it will have been well worth exposing my life. It's certainly not always pretty but it real.

Share a testimony of prayer.
I got remarried last April. My new bride, Jane, is fantastic. And even though my disease is worse off than during my first marriage I could not ask for more. So what’s changed? We truly have a wonderful relationship. Why is my marriage working so well now, even though my MS has continued to progress over the past eight years. I can attribute this to tthree factors. First, we are both believers who have put Christ first building our relationship upon this solid foundation. Second, Jane is truly a special person, and third. I have written this book, which has afforded me the opportunity to slow down and examine my life. The obvious fact is, we have the choice to go through life dealing with whatever trials and tribulations we must, and we must deal, with either a smile or a frown. Yes, we have an affliction, but that doesn’t mean we have to go through the rest of our lives ticked off at everything and everyone, living in complete misery.

My wife Jane and I, we, laugh and laugh together and at one another all the time. Sure, I have slipped ups, get frustrated and angry. It happened just the other night. I became so frustrated with Jane during the middle of the morning. It must have been about 3 AM. No it was 3:17 AM, I have one of those giant digital alarm clocks for the legally blind. When I can’t sleep, believe me I know what time it is. You see, Jane suffers from restless leg syndrome and the other night it was kick me in the shin, among other places all night long BAD! Of course I have to deal with nocturnia, which means every time I wake up I have to empty my bladder. I take prescription Flomax so normally I can sleep through the night withut having to get up to visit the bathroom. Needless to say, it was a long night and I was ready to scream at my wife, which I would have done in my previous marriage. So what’s the difference, what’s changed? The difference is that I have written, re-written, read and re-read. my book so many times that when I do begin to slip-up it’s so obvious that I can’t help but catch myself. And let’s not forget, Jane has read the book too, so when I slip up she’s quick to point out “Chris, I think you need to revisit page 76 “and we have a good chuckle. Remember life is too short, you choose whether to laugh or cry. I never thought I would get married again. After all, who would marry damaged goods? At one point prior to my marriage I said to my wife to be, why would you marry someone with MS, that is like buying a vase with a hole in the bottom. Her response was, maybe I want it to hold dried flowers. So these dried flowers are happily married and loving every minute of it.
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
I would love to attend to call and I will certainly spread the word.
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
I will be praying for the massive influx of members to "The Prayer Chain of Faith" and Blessings for the Staff, Pastors and Every Member.

In the Precious Name of Jesus,

My web site:

Order your copy of Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me from Tate publishing. Just visit the order page and click on Order from Tate publishing.

Thank you and God bless,

Chris M Tatevosian's Blog

Thursday evening' s interview 8/27/09 with author Chris Tatevosian

Blessings to all,

My name is Chris Tatevosian, author, of the self-help memoir Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me. I was interviewed last evening by Pastor Melvin on the prayer chain of faith show. I hope that you will have the opportunity to listen and let me know what you think. Please drop by my web site and sign my guestbook I would love to have you become a member of my web site If you found the show to be a blessing please let me know and I… Continue

Posted on August 28, 2009 at 11:16am

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At 12:20pm on December 2, 2009, ELEVATION Coach Pastor Rhonda said…
Hello Chris!!!

How have you been? Sorry I'm just responding to your message - you Book Trailer is great!

How has things been? Keep sharing and caring and God will continue to connect you with those who need you and your message! You are an awesome blessings to the Body of Christ Chris.

God bless!

Rhonda "The INNERgizer" (see updates)
At 8:49pm on September 10, 2009, Patsy G. Brewer said…
Hi Chris,

I did not get a chance to hear your testimony, I was at a Museum's Conference on August 27th. I want to thank you for the invite. May God continue to bless you richly.
At 9:43am on August 27, 2009, Apostle Caroll said…
Hello, Chris long time no hear since we were on together June 1, 2009. Please send me your info so I can become a member of your website and you can join mine. God bless you. I'll be sure to tune in tonight to hear your awesome testimony again.

Be blessed, fruitful and about God's business

Apostle Caroll, Hearer and Doer of The Word Of God
At 7:35pm on August 25, 2009, belovedshoshanna said…
God bless you, thanks for your ad

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