Share general information about yourself. You may insert your bio, if you like. And feel free to list your website information.
I am saved and love the Lord. I am an evangelist. I am fearfully and wonderfully made! I love to minister the word of God to the youth. I love to sing and I am on my church choir. My church has approx. 2000 membership. I am also on the Praise and Worship team. My 5 adult children also sing and play instruments and are involved in their own individual ministries. I am working on my Master's degree in Business Administration. I manage my 16 year old granddaughters singing career. I am kind, loving, compassionate, patient, honest, happy, humble, confident, and caring. I don't mind telling you the truth, in love. I am honest and open. I am serious when it comes to serving the Lord. He has brought me to this point and time. So, I trust Him to give me what I need and nothing less. When I meet people I can tell if they're for real or not because I look beyond what they say and read what they are not saying.
Share your Greatest need or desire.
I desire to marry a man who is saved and loves the Lord; a man who has strength, wisdom, love, and confidence. I desire a man who doesn't mind letting everyone know he loves the Lord and his lady. I would love to spend quality time with my mate. Perhaps all of this will come in time. I will wait on the Lord.
Share a testimony of prayer.
When my husband passed away 3-1/2 yrs. ago, after 39 yrs. of marriage, I asked God to take even better care of me than my husband did. He is doing exactly that! I did not lose my home, cars, and I am able to pay my bills. I am retired, do not work, yet I am financially stable! I also always wanted to go to college, and 30 yrs. later after raising my 5 children, taking in 22 foster children, and being a licensed childcare provider, God allowed me to do that and I'm getting my Master's degree in Bus. Admin. which encouraged my children to go back to college and get their degree!
Our prayer calls are for 1 hour on Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm EST. You may call in or listen online. Detailed information will always be posted. Do you plan on attending the call? Will you spread the word?
Yes, I plan to attend and yes, I will spread the word.
Last Question! What are some things that you would like to see happen with "The Prayer Chain Of Faith"?
God is Sovereign and I always pray that no matter what I or anyone else asks for that His Will be done, because His Will is always perfect!!!! Great things are and will happen if we pray His Will for everything!!!
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I need pray for my great nephew, the doctors say that there is no cure and his life expectancy is 6 months to a year. He is currently three months. He has zellweger syndrome. The family need your healing prays. We are believing right now that he is healed. God Bless, Shirley E.
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Good Afternoon Evang. Buckmon,
I need pray for my great nephew, the doctors say that there is no cure and his life expectancy is 6 months to a year. He is currently three months. He has zellweger syndrome. The family need your healing prays. We are believing right now that he is healed. God Bless, Shirley E.
Prayers, love, peace & blessings
Minister Ruth Evans