The Prayer Chain Of Faith

Here Is A 100% Free Program For Earning Money Online.This Is NOT A Get Rich Quick Scheme, Just A Real Free Program For Earning Online!

OK, Now that I have your attention... let me explain a few things.
This is NOT cash gifting
You DO NOT need to sell anything
It is extremely easy to set up
It only takes 2 - 3 hours a day to implement
Because it's 100% FREE you know its NOT a scam!
Did you know that billions and billions of dollars are spent every year on advertising.
This program shows you how to get your share of that money. I am sure you have heard of Google Adwords. Advertisers pay Google when someone clicks on there ads. So if you click on a Google ad, the person who is running that ad will pay Google for the traffic to there website.
Now with this program whenever you click on an ad... you get paid... not someone else!

Here is how it works. There are programs out there that allow you to earn money by clicking on ads and viewing websites, these are called PTC programs or Paid To Click.
When you use one of these programs you can make a little extra money every month. For Example:

You Click 10 Ads Per Day = $0.10
20 Referrals Click 10 Ads Per Day = $2.00
Your Daily Earnings = $2.10
Your Weekly Earnings = $14.70
Your Monthly Earnings = $63.00
Now thats not bad, it could pay your phone bill every month, but I am going to show you how to turn that into over $2,000 a month, working just 2 to 3 hours a day.

Programs are located at the right side of website, you are going to find 13 of these programs that you can start using today. So working by yourself you can make $60 a month. But it is not going to stop there. I am going to show you how to get loads of people working with you, so there is no limit to the amount of money you can make every month.

Now lets say you share this free program with 20 other people and they all join and click there ads everyday, you would be making over $1,200 every month..... WOW
But again, it doesn't stop there, I am going to show you how to get as many people working with you as you want.

Here are the basics of what you will be doing.
1st you will join the programs below and get your referral links.
2nd you can create a site using for free.
3rd you will advertise your blog site with the programs I provide you. (also don't forget about family, freinds and co-workers, this program is free so you will only be helping them)
And lastly, you need to login to each program everyday and click on the links they allow you to click on. (some programs will only have 5 links a day and some up to 30) click on as many as each program allows and it will average out to about 10 each.
Some of the programs will not let you earn from your referrals unless you are clicking every day.
So with 2 to 3 hours a day, you are on your way to making a few thousand extra dollars a month!

First you will need to sign up for a free account with paypal and alertpay.
These are the programs that the companies use in order to pay you. Located at the right side of website where it says Free Accounts For Paypal and Alertpay.

Click On The Links located at the right side of website where it says Paid-To-Click Progam And Join Each Program! I suggest you open up a notepad on your computer and copy and paste your referral link for each program into the notepad. This will make things easier when you start building your site.

(FYI, Most of these programs require you click on ads everyday in order to earn from your referrals the following day. If you don't click on your ads you will not earn from your referrals. Also most of the programs will cancel your account if you remain inactive for 8 to 14 days each program differs.)
This should only take between 1 and 3 hours a day, depending on your internet speed. I usually watch a movie while I am clicking on the links, and I am usually done clicking before the movie is over.
Make sure you do this everyday it's what makes the system work!
(If you don't keep your accounts active by clicking links your accounts will be canceled and you will forfeit all earnings.)
You can get a free account at or and build a page there you could even use your facebook page. Any way you choose will be fine.
Once you have a site and you are ready to build your site to get referrals, all you will need to do is to select all the text on this page (highlight all the text on the page) right click your mouse and click copy. Then paste the text into a windows notepad.
When you are ready to add the content to your site, copy it off your notepad and paste it onto your page.
Now you can hyperlink all the links for joining the programs to your referral links and you are all done.
Now go to the link: and start building your own downline.

Why Are Referrals So Important?
Ok... You already know that you can earn $60 a month by using this program and following everything to the letter, and $60 a month I am sure will help alot of people pay at least 1 of there bills.
But if you want to start making even more money it is very simple.
For every person you refer into this free program that follows the rules and does there work everyday you will earn another $60 for that person.
So if you refer 1 person:
Every month you will earn your own $60 and $60 from your referral, Now you are earning $120 every month.
What if you refer 10 people? 10 x $60 = $600 every month plus the $60 you are earning.
What if you refer 20 people? 20 x $60 = $1,200 every month plus the $60 you are earning.
Do you see how this could add up.
Now its time to ask yourself a question!
You now have one of two choices to make:
1) You can continue with your referrals and keep making $1,260+ a month.
2) You can upgrade some of your accounts and start going for the big money.
If you decide to continue as you are, that is fine, $1,260+ extra every month will probably be enough to change your lifestyle.
And many of the programs allow you to refer as many people as you want, However there are 6 programs that set a limit on the amount of referrals free members can have.
At the bottom of this page is a list of the programs that allow you to have as many referrals as you want, along with a list of programs that have a limit on referrals.
(I suggest you upgrade each account that has referral limits when you hit that limit!)
FYI while you don't have to upgrade any of your accounts, you will make alot more money with each program if you do.
Also by upgrading your programs you will be making more money per click for your clicks and your referral clicks, so as an upgraded member you will be earning over $100 a month using each program and over $100 a month for all your active referrals.
Each account will need to upgraded separatly, and all upgrades are priced differently and for different membership times, some are monthly some are every 3 or 6 months but most upgrades are for a year. Upgrading will range from $5 for monthly memberships to $59 for yearly memberships, depending on the program.
And now you can refer alot more members. Take a look at the figures below!
Lets just say you upgraded all your accounts and you refer 100 people into this system and they are all doing there work everyday.....
100 People x $100 = $10,000 + Your $100 = $10,100 each and every month.
Of course you DO NOT have to upgrade any of your accounts, you can keep your referrals and still earn $1,260+ each and every month!
The sky is the limit... you can earn as much or as little as you want. The more effort you put in to this program the more money you will earn.
Now you may be wondering... How do I get referrals.
It is really very simple.
First off, once you build your site or blog, you will want to share it with your family, freinds and co-workers. Because this program is 100% free you are not asking them to buy anything. You are however giving them a chance to earn extra money every month from home by just putting in a couple hours a day.
Secondly at the top of this page you will see a link: : this will show you alot of free ways to advertise your blog site online.

Also once you build your blog site, you can copy and paste our link into your site. So your referrals will have the same tools you have. You want them to succeed because as long as they are making money, you will make money.
You can also create flyers and hang them up in your local stores, laundry mats, or any where else there is a community billboard.

Don't forget the more referrals you get the more money you will make every month!

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