The Prayer Chain Of Faith

For when you suffer in this way, you bring Me souls and those who bring Me souls belong to Me

For when you suffer in this way, you bring Me souls and those who b...

My dearly beloved daughter, as the deceit within My Church on Earth mounts, many more souls will be seduced by false humility and so-called public acts of great charity for the needs of the poor.

So difficult will it be and so hard will it be to discern the truth, that many will simply allow themselves to be taken into a new doctrine which does not come from Me. When you, My beloved followers, begin to notice how people will publicly rebuke you, criticise you unfairly, behave with unusual aggression towards you and torment you, you must know that Satan is doing all he can to create doubts within your hearts about this Mission. He and his followers fight each one of you who have been blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, every second. Not one of you, who fights to help Me save souls, will be left in peace. You will face many obstacles, so that you will walk away from this Mission and deny My Word. Every time this happens, know that I will engulf you with My Protection and you will be aware of My Presence within you, for it is not you they fight, it is I.

When you are hurt, because of your love for Me, it is My Pain which you feel. When you shed tears of sorrow, because you follow Me and are then tormented as a result, it is My Tears which flow from you. When they scorn you and mock Me, it is Me and everything associated with Me, that they insult – not you. And when they discard your love and turn their backs on you, it is I they walk away from. Know then, that when you suffer such difficult and terribly distressing trials in My Name, that My Presence is at its strongest. When I Am present in this way, you will know, with absolute certainty, that only My Work will attract this kind of suffering. Then know that I will never desert you, for your love for Me will earn you the highest reward in My Kingdom. For when you suffer in this way, you bring Me souls and those who bring Me souls belong to Me in body, soul and spirit. You are in Me, with Me and I live within you.

I love you.

Your Jesus

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