The Prayer Chain Of Faith

Share this prayer that we can say each day.

A Prayer of Praise

Eternal Father, Lord of the ages, you are worthy of praise.Creator of all things and giver of life, we praise you and thank You for our lives and this world. We praise you for your love and mercy. Christ Jesus, we are so thankful for your gift. We confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that you are Lord.We take comfort knowing that you are with us always to the very end of the world. We are thankful for the Holy Spirit, our counselor and comforter. We long for the day we will be at home with you eternally but rejoice in the purpose of this life that you have entrusted to us. Triune God, you are worthy of honor and praise and glory. Reveal yourself to us in ever increasing fullness. Amen.

God our Father This Day I Pray For My Home

Father I thank you that you have blessed me with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. Through skillful and godly wisdom is this house (my life, my home, my family) built, and by understanding it is established on a sound and good foundation. And by knowledge shall the chambers (of its area) be filled with all precious and pleasant riches--great priceless treasures. The house of the uncompromisingly righteous shall stand. Prosperity and welfare are in my house in the name of Jesus. My house is securely built. It is founded on a rock-- revelation knowledge of your word,Father, Jesus is my Cornerstone.jesus is Lord of my household, Jesus is our Lord,spirit,soul and body.

    What ever may be our task, we work at it heartily as something done for You Lord, not for man. We love each other with the God kind of love, and we dwell in peace. My home is deposited into Your charge, entrusted to Your protection and care.

Father as for me and my house we shall serve the Lord in Jesus' name hallelujah Amen.   

Views: 12

Comment by Fleurette Townsend on August 2, 2014 at 5:56pm

This is a prayer No. 1 that you may say each day. I have 12 that I would like to share with you to say each day that was written for New Song Church members in Henderson NV. last year.


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