The Word of the Lord for May 2012
By Phyllis Ford
Prophetic Insights:
As I stayed in a place of prayer and study before the presence of the Lord concerning His word for May and the state of things in this hour: I received visions and utterances and I would like to share them as they occurred because I believe the order of things and how the Lord states particular things are important. I pray that you will receive further insight on the time that we are in and act according to the instructions that the Lord gives you.
I have a vision of “gates” that were very elaborate in design and beautiful in the iron work that made them and they were opening and the light was very bright. I also saw other gates that seem to look very different and I even wondered if they varied in purpose. But in the midst of the vision I heard the Lord say: I am opening my gates and I am shaking the gates. In scripture gates are positioned in the entry way of cities or provinces and even in intercession they mark a strong significance to a region or area. Gates represent boundaries and authority within certain places. Gates can represent government (spiritual & natural), ministry as well as many other meanings. The elders of the city/regions sat at the gate. Gates can also be used for security measures of protection. I was intrigued by the statement, “I am opening my gates and I am shaking the gates.” I knew in my spirit that the statement was about two distinctively different gates.
Then the Lord spoke to me concerning the gates:
“My gates are before you and I will open before you new ways, even new courses of how you need to move forth and what you need to do. Gates are highly significant in this season—as major decisions and a representation of a place or region and many matters are determined in the gates. Some gates will be broken never to be repaired again. Others gates will be restored but only as boundaries, and entryways to certain places. New gates will be established as new regimes will be coming forth, some for good and for some evil. Know that I am shaking the gates of men along with their evil plots and purposes. And know that when they thought that their gates were secure, they will find chaos and confusion. Where they thought they would have the advantage there will be uncertainty, for I am shaking the gates and foundations of men. The one who is positioned at the gate will determine the fate of certain regions. The men that will be positioned at the gates will reveal to you many things. This may seem to appear as a mystery but in these next four months, you will have a clearer understanding of what I am saying to you in this hour. Also know that at my gate you will see my glory and it will provide you access into places you would never be able to attain other than through me. My strength, my light and my word will lead and help you maneuver through trouble areas.”
Isaiah 45: 1-3
“Thus says the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut, I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou may know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.”
Genesis 22:17
“That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.”
Several days after that I had a dream:
I saw this man with a small green snake and he was instructing others on how to handle the snake. He was encouraging others to hold it but as others watched (in fear and amazement) (I didn’t feel good about this situation but I watched very carefully.) All of a sudden a huge snake jumped up out of nowhere and bit a person’s neck. Everyone was startled. As I prayed about this the Lord told me that the spirit of Python (a spirit of divination as defined in Acts 16:16) was trying to weary the people of God and to drain them of strength---to lure, distract and then strike where it could. (Read about the spirit of Python through this link on our website.)
Here is the utterance from the Lord concerning the dream:
“There is a tremendous amount of warfare coming against the people. It is important to stay before my presence, do not falter or be distracted in your place of prayer. The enemy is trying to keep you from pressing into prayer. But prayer has the power to change impossible things. You can’t afford to be stagnant and immobile because I have set fields before you that you will be able to glean in and you must be ready to gather up what I am providing for you now so move forth in diligence now. Know I have placed in you---a precious treasure, and that treasure is rare and like unto a valuable precious stone that has yet to be appraised, but it is worth more than you may ever imagine. It is my Spirit, my life, and my anointing. It is able to break strongholds and fight armies and even endure great hardships, and is able to exercise great wisdom in times of trouble and guidance in every task ahead. Now is the time of my coming, the time of my awakening: to give you what you need to complete the task ahead of you and to walk this journey of the fulfilling of kingdom power that is coming upon this land. Many shall see it and rejoice. So get before me and receive your marching orders, because the time for my work to come forth mightily.”
The Words of the Lord continued:
“This will continue to be a time of great shaking; it is as a result of the assessment of matters that have come up before me. I have waited patiently upon the people as well as my people to change. There are vital decisions and an ultimate stand to be made concerning the choice to walk in maturity in these matters. The affections of the hearts of men have been more focused upon what they have, rather than who they are and what must be accomplished. But I stand before all in this hour and beckon you to come into a place in me where you may prevail, overcome and truly understand all that is before you. Because even if you are not aware, times are more perilous then you can imagine and the decisions that you make now are more vital than ever. So continue to move forward because the time is short. What you do now will determine how your future will be ordered and what will be in place for you as you allow me to order your steps. I will secure your survival, protection and ability to minister to others in the difficult days that are ahead.”
“So press into my presence and determine what you must carefully look over that is before you in order to make the right choices. You must find out “what is your true purpose,” and also, what is the process that must be followed. You need to know how to endure, pursue that purpose and follow it through. There is an urgency in the air for a reason and you must be prepared for the hour ahead. These answers are not difficult or impossible to understand because I have already placed them in your heart. And as you wait before my presence in prayer---you will see, hear and even understand in a new way the things that I have prepared for you. I have actually been showing you, revealing to you, and preparing these things for your life. Through your own personal experiences there have been glimpses of that which you have experienced along the path that I have chosen for you. It is on your road that you are to travel, as you study my word, pray for enlightenment and hear/listen for my wisdom and instructions.”
April 29th Early Sunday Morning Utterance from the Lord - Phyllis Ford:
“Know that in this season there must be preparation and much time spent before me---in order for my people to know specifically what I have called them to do. Plans must be implemented, and followed so that the work of the Kingdom can be done and accomplished in this hour. There is a serious time of assessment and judgment that is coming forth in the land. Some things must be removed now so that surrounding circumstances can be better maneuvered around and important initiatives can be completed. If you seek me, you will find me and inquire of me so that you will know without a shadow of a doubt what you need to be prepared to do.”
“Some relationships and associations have gone their course. Because you have a part to walk out in the area of assignments during this time and as a result you will find yourself walking away from some in order to achieve what needs to be done. Some are not concerned and don’t desire to make changes in their lives, nor make any sacrifices, nor are they ready to commit their lives to the work of gospel of the kingdom upon the earth. They will not understand and through their own unbelief they will hinder your progress. Love them and pray for them but understand there will come times when you will have to let some people go, in the hope that they will come into a new place of understanding. There will be times that you will have to walk away from some things in order to follow my mandate upon your lives.”
Mark 10:28-31 (Amplified Version)
“Peter started to say to Him, Behold, we have yielded up and abandoned everything [once and for all and joined You as Your disciples, siding with Your party] and accompanied You [in walking the same road that You walk]. Jesus said, Truly I tell you, there is no one who has given up and left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for My sake and for the Gospel's. Who will not receive a hundred times as much now in this time--houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions--and in the age to come, eternal life. But many [who are now] first will be last [then], and many [who are now] last will be first [then].”
“There will be times that you will try to share with family the seriousness of the hour and they won’t listen. But speak truth to them in love, talk to them about the condition of their souls and not just how they feel about things. This is a time to reap the harvest of souls into the Kingdom. The condition of a man’s soul is more important than how they feel about the course of things right now. Their life’s eternal preservation is more important than their worldly temporal choices. [(The Lord referenced John chapter 5 which He speaks to the man who is at the pool of Bethesda (which is located near the sheep-gate) and asked him: “Will thou be made whole?” (Do you want to be healed?) Instead of saying, Yes, the man begins to tell why it hasn’t been possible to get healed.)] My question to them is wouldn’t they like to be made whole. I have healing for them and healing for their souls, but are they willing, ready to receive it?”
Jeremiah 6:16
“Thus says the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”
“So hearken diligently because you are in a time of acceleration for a reason. It is important that you are moving forward purposely, concerning your life, and your family. Your commitment to the ministry of reconciliation, the harvesting of souls, the perfecting of the saints, and the edification of the body of believers is crucial. The foundations have already been laid – it is important that you move upon the statues and principles formed in my word and not upon the false foundations set in the world because these are the very things that have set them on a course for serious trouble. Guard your heart. Especially in those things I show you, teach you, and reveal to you by my word because they are life, strength, and key direction for your life right now. These things are very important as trouble looms over the nations and as even the earth is in travail throughout the world”.
“Even in the midst of trouble in the land you must continue to follow your assignment rather than fall prey to fear, and become stagnant in your faith and the advancing of my kingdom.”
Daniel 11:32
“And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”
“The ability to carry and walk out that strength and the ability to overcome is in the knowing. Know me, my word, my way, my truth, and my wisdom. It is the life, the bread that you will eat and be sustained by as the approaching storms come. Your strength in me and the knowledge of who you are will keep you alert. Be ready to set forth the plans that must be carried out now. I want you to take that which I give to you, and I will add increase to it. Take that which you have in your faith and I will add to it the manifestation of the promises that I have given to you. Take that which I place into your hands in this hour and I will even add to that which you have utilized, for I am adding to you in this hour that you may win. Follow my way, walk according to my word, and you will find provision on the left and on the right (both spiritually & naturally) Walk through this progression---things are moving and as the acceleration is in motion---you must move in this same flow and same pace. I will keep you and carry you on to the doorsteps and places of favor that I will set before you.”
Additional Prayer and Intercession:
There is a major terrorist plot being planned, prepared and even being secured now. Watchmen stand upon your post. There is an even stronger threat of racial/civil unrest that has not been seen in this time. A planned war amongst our nations will follow. Watch, pray, fast, be on guard. Be alert. Some things are set to occur without warning. Remember don’t be distracted, warfare level is at a red alert. There are literally battles that are going on in the heavenlies. We need the Daniel’s to arise in this hour, watch, fast and pray.
There are more volcano’s that have awakened since January 2012 and this number has also increased as of April 2012. There is an uptick of earthquakes with several at Sumatra again at 8.6. Watch Mexico. Watch California. Nuclear contamination is also a real and major concern with the increase of both earthquakes and volcanoes. Hawaii is a major concern with earthquakes & volcanoes. So many regions are at high alert.
James 5:16
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
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