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Josephine Angel Aga Vele has not received any gifts yet
Almost all of the signs the Bible says would precede the second coming of our Lord Jesus have taken place.
While the Church awaits the second coming of the Lord, which is very soon, there’s an important job to be done. The Lord has instructed us to preach the Gospel and we have to work quickly, as the time is short and fast approaching.
Nothing would delay the second coming of Christ; it is a fixed event in God’s calendar. Sadly not many of God’s children are conscious of their responsibility as soul winners. The devil wants to get people to hell, and so he’ll do all he can to stop or delay us from winning them to Christ. Therefore we must save time by working quickly to save more souls.
In Acts 2:47, the Bible says and the Lord added to the Church such as should be saved. That means there are predetermined numbers to be saved daily in the Lord’s calendar. It is our responsibility to find these people daily and get them into the kingdom.
Be wise; get busy with soul winning, and save those you come in contact with. Work fast because the time is short.
These are simply nuggets by Donald Trump (American Billionaire Entrepreneur) into which I have made some little additions to spice it up. Get busy and apply these and watch your business or investment turn around.
For you to be successful in any venture, you have to;
Posted on May 9, 2012 at 4:04pm
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Good afternoon sister Vele,
I need pray for my great nephew, the doctors say that there is no cure and his life expectancy is 6 months to a year. He is currently three months old with his parents in Bowie, MD. He has zellweger syndrome. Also pray for my cousin who just had an heart attack on Monday, April 1, 2013, she is in the hospital in MS. The families need your healing prays. We believe right now that he/she is both healed. God Bless, Shirley E., Wash., D.C.
God Bless You,
Bishop Odell McFarland
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Bishop Odell McFarland